English Idioms

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Son of a gun


The idiom "son of a gun" is commonly used as an exclamation to express surprise, astonishment or shock. It's often used when something unexpected happens or when someone behaves in a way that is considered unacceptable or abhorrent. The phrase can also be used to express anger, frustration or disbelief.


  • "Wow, I had no idea he was capable of such a thing! Son of a gun!"
  • "I can't believe she cheated on her husband after all their years together. That's just wrong."
  • "I'm so mad at my boss for giving the promotion to someone who's not qualified. Son of a gun!"
  • "This traffic is insane! I've been stuck in here for hours. Son of a gun!"
  • "I can't believe I fell for his lies all this time. That was such a stupid mistake."

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "son of a gun" is unclear, but it's believed to have originated in the United States in the 19th century. It's thought to have been used as a slang term for a man who was not well-respected or reputable, possibly due to his criminal record or unsavory behavior. Over time, the phrase has taken on a more general meaning and is now often used to express surprise or shock in any situation.

Synonyms in English

  • "Gee whizz!"
  • "Well I'll be damned!"
  • "Oh my gosh!"
  • "No way!"
  • "You gotta be kidding!"

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French, "Je ne sais quoi!" translates to "I don't know what!" and is used to express surprise or confusion.
  • In Spanish, "¡Maldita vez!" translates to "Damn it again!" and is used to express anger or frustration.
  • In Italian, "Non sono credibile!" translates to "I can't believe it!" and is used to express disbelief or shock.
  • In German, "Das ist unmöglich!" translates to "That's impossible!" and is used to express surprise or shock.
  • In Portuguese, "O caro Deus!" translates to "Goddamn it!" and is used to express anger or frustration.

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