English Idioms

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Speak soon


The idiom "speak soon" is used to tell someone that you will communicate with them or inform them about something at a later time. It's a polite way of acknowledging their request while not committing to a specific time frame.


  • When responding to someone who has asked for an update on a project, you can say "I'll speak soon about the progress."
  • If a friend asks how you're feeling after a long time of no communication, you can respond with "Don't worry, I'll speak soon and catch up on everything."
  • In a business setting, you might use the phrase "I appreciate your email, and I will speak soon regarding your proposal."
  • If someone has recently moved to a new city or country and is looking for suggestions on where to go, you can say "I'll speak soon with some recommendations based on my research."
  • When in a group discussion and someone asks about a particular topic, you can say "I don't have all the information at the moment, but I'll speak soon and provide more details."

Roots and History

The idiom "speak soon" dates back to the 17th century. It was used in the form of an oath or vow taken by a person who promised to communicate with someone at a later time, without committing to a specific date. The phrase slowly evolved over time and became an everyday expression used in modern English.

Synonyms in English

  • I'll get back to you soon
  • I'll be in touch shortly
  • I'll inform you at the earliest convenience
  • I'll follow up with you soon
  • I'll let you know when it happens

Synonyms in other languages

  • French - Je vous en parlerai bientôt
  • German - Ich werde mit dir bald sprechen
  • Spanish - Te lo diré pronto
  • Italian - Mi raconterò presto
  • Portuguese - Estou a pensar em contato conigo pronto

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