English Idioms

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Speak up


The idiom "speak up" means to speak out openly or frankly, especially during a meeting or discussion. It is used to encourage someone to share their thoughts or ideas when they are hesitant or reluctant to do so.


  • During the team meeting, John was quiet and reserved, but his manager urged him to speak up and share his suggestions.
  • The class was discussing the new policy, and several students remained silent until their teacher spoke up and asked for their opinions.
  • In her speech at the conference, the keynote speaker encouraged attendees to speak up and share their experiences with the topic.
  • As the manager of the department, she was responsible for ensuring that all team members felt comfortable speaking up during meetings.
  • During the debate, some audience members remained silent until the moderator spoke up and asked for their thoughts on the issue.

Roots and History

The phrase "speak up" has been used in English since at least the 16th century, with earlier uses dating back to Middle English. It is related to the verb "to speak," which means to communicate using words. The idiom has remained relatively stable in meaning over time, although its usage may vary depending on the context and cultural norms.

Synonyms in English

  • Speak out
  • Share your thoughts
  • Express yourself
  • Voice your opinion
  • Say something

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - Hablar abiertamente (openly speak)
  • French - Parler ouvertement (openly speak)
  • German - Reden zu erkenntnisbar machen (to make oneself known through speech)
  • Italian - Espressarsi (to express oneself)
  • Japanese - 声明する (to declare)

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