English Idioms

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Spitting image


The idiom "spitting image" means someone who is an exact replica or mirror image of another person, often in terms of appearance, personality, or behavior.


  • She's a spitting image of her mother in terms of looks and personality traits.
  • He's like a spitting image of his brother, they have the same height, weight, and facial features.
  • The new employee is a spitting image of the old one, both in terms of their work ethic and productivity levels.
  • The two children are complete spitting images of each other, with identical haircuts and clothing choices.
  • They're like spitting images of each other, it's hard to tell them apart sometimes.

Roots and History

The idiom "spitting image" dates back to the 19th century and is believed to have originated from the phrase "an exact replica". It has been used in various forms over time, but its meaning and usage have remained relatively consistent throughout history.

Synonyms in English

  • doppelganger
  • identical twin
  • carbon copy
  • lookalike
  • clone

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: doublette, jumeau/jumelle, clairvoyant
  • Spanish: idéntico/a, gemelo/gemela, replica exacta
  • German: Doppelgänger, Identität, Nachbild
  • Italian: doppio, gemello/gemella, replica esatta
  • Japanese: 犬邦手 ( Inu no shou ), 雀齿 ( Kaerude )

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