English Idioms

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Straight shooter


The idiom "straight shooter" refers to a person who is honest, straightforward, and direct in their communication and actions. They don't beat around the bush or use indirect language to convey what they mean. Instead, they speak or act in a clear and direct manner, often with little hesitation.


  • I've always been impressed by John's candor. He's a straight shooter when it comes to giving feedback.
  • As the CEO of our company, Sarah has proven herself to be a straight shooter. She doesn't sugarcoat anything and always speaks her mind.
  • I need someone who can get straight to the point, so I'm looking for a candidate who's known as a straight shooter in their previous roles.
  • When it comes to negotiating contracts, I prefer working with a straight shooter who doesn't play games and is willing to be honest.
  • I appreciate my friend's honesty, even if it sometimes hurts me. She's a true straight shooter, and I respect her for that.

Roots and History

The idiom "straight shooter" has its roots in the late 19th century. It originated from the use of rifles, specifically shotguns, during hunting or target shooting. A straight shooter was someone who could accurately hit their target with a direct shot, without any deviation or deflection. Over time, the idiom came to refer to a person who spoke or acted in a clear and direct manner, much like a straight shot.

Synonyms in English

  • Straightforward
  • Direct
  • Candid
  • Truthful
  • Open

Synonyms in other languages

  • In Spanish: "Directo" (direct) or "Honesto" (honest)
  • In French: "Droit" (direct) or "Franc" (honest)
  • In German: "Recht" (right) or "Ehrlich" (honest)
  • In Italian: "Directo" (direct) or "Onestro" (honest)
  • In Portuguese: "Direto" (direct) or "Honesto" (honest)

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