English Idioms

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Taste of own medicine


The idiom "taste of own medicine" refers to experiencing the same unpleasant or negative treatment that one has inflicted on others. It's a metaphorical expression used to describe a situation where someone gets what they deserve or experiences the consequences of their actions.


  • The new CEO's strict management style is finally giving her employees a taste of their own medicine.
  • After years of bullying his classmates, John found himself on the receiving end when he was picked on by a group of seniors.
  • When Sarah accused her husband of cheating on her, she didn't realize that her accusations would come back to bite her in the end.
  • The restaurant owner who had been known for his rude behavior towards customers found himself being treated the same way when he visited another restaurant.
  • After years of stealing from his colleagues, John was finally caught and had to pay back what he owed. He finally got a taste of own medicine. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used in a variety of situations, including personal relationships, work, or society at large. The idiom can also be used as a way to express satisfaction or justice when someone gets what they deserve.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "taste of own medicine" is unclear, but it has been in use since at least the 17th century. It's believed to have originated from medical practices where doctors would prescribe a bitter or unpleasant-tasting remedy to patients who had been difficult or argumentative. Over time, the phrase evolved into a metaphor for receiving the same negative treatment that one has inflicted on others. The idiom has undergone some changes in meaning and usage over time. In earlier times, it was used more literally to describe a situation where someone got what they deserved. Today, the idiom is often used more broadly to describe any situation where someone gets what they deserve or experiences the consequences of their actions.

Synonyms in English

  • Karma
  • Poetic justice
  • Reaping what one sows
  • Get what's coming to you
  • Fate is a cruel mistress

Synonyms in other languages

  • In Spanish, "la ley de la causa y el efecto" (the law of cause and effect) or "el castigo es la ley" (punishment is the law).
  • In French, "le karma" (karma), "la justice poétique" (poetic justice), or "l'esprit de rétribution" (spirit of revenge).
  • In German, "die Sünden der Väter werden auf die Söhne geworfen" (the sins of the fathers will be thrown upon the sons), "das Schicksal ist eine härte Meisterin" (fate is a cruel mistress), or "das Wirken hat seine Konsequenzen" (actions have consequences).
  • In Italian, "la legge della causa e l'effetto" (the law of cause and effect), "la giustizia poetica" (poetic justice), or "il castigo è la legge" (punishment is the law).
  • In Japanese, "karma", "yōjū shi no rinne" (cycle of birth and death), or "mori o bake ni naru" (to die with regrets).

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