English Idioms

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The best is yet to come


The idiom "the best is yet to come" means that there is something better or more positive that will happen after what has already happened. It suggests that the best things are yet to happen, and they will occur in the near future.


  • After struggling with her grades for a while, Sarah's grades finally improved, and she found out that she had been accepted into her dream university. She couldn't believe how lucky she was - the best was yet to come.
  • John lost his job during the pandemic, but he never gave up hope. He kept looking for new opportunities and eventually landed a better job with higher pay. It just goes to show that the best is yet to come.
  • Sophie had been trying for months to have a baby, but it wasn't happening despite all her efforts. One day, she found out she was pregnant. The best was yet to come.
  • When David started his new business, he faced many challenges and setbacks. But he never lost hope that things would get better. Eventually, his business began to grow, and he realized that the best was yet to come.
  • After years of training, the young gymnast finally competed in her first international competition. She didn't perform well in her first event, but she used it as motivation to work harder for the rest of the competition. In the end, she won the gold medal, and it was worth all the hard work - the best was yet to come.

Roots and History

The idiom "the best is yet to come" has been in use since at least the 19th century. It is believed to have originated from a poem by Robert Southey called "Ode on England," which was published in 1840. In the poem, Southey wrote: "The best is yet to come; in Heaven's eternal plan Earth shall advance from beauty to better be, While mankind shall grow from virtue to virtuous man, And God shall bless our race with everlasting peace." This poem highlights the idea that there is always something better on the horizon, and it has been used as inspiration for the idiom since then.

Synonyms in English

  • The best is yet to come - The greatest is yet to come
  • The best is yet to come - The finest is yet to appear
  • The best is yet to come - The most excellent is yet to be realized
  • The best is yet to come - The very best is yet to happen
  • The best is yet to come - The best is still waiting for us

Synonyms in other languages

  • English: Le meilleur n'est pas encore arrivé (Translation: The best has not arrived yet)
  • Spanish: El mejor está por venir (Translation: The best is on its way)
  • French: Le mieux est toujours en retard (Translation: The best is always delayed)
  • Italian: Il miglior sarà ancora a venire (Translation: The best will still arrive)
  • German: Das beste ist noch nicht gekommen (Translation: The best is not yet arrived)

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