English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

The best of both worlds


The idiom "the best of both worlds" refers to a situation or experience where one can enjoy the advantages of two different options or perspectives. It implies that both options are good, but one is able to choose the best aspects of each.


  • After months of searching for a new job, she finally landed her dream position - it offered her the best of both worlds: a stable salary and flexible work hours.
  • The restaurant's menu combined traditional Italian dishes with modern twists, giving customers the best of both worlds.
  • The new city had all the amenities of a big city, but also a tight-knit community and low cost of living - she felt like she had found the best of both worlds.
  • He decided to study abroad for a year to gain international experience and develop his language skills, and he was grateful for the opportunity to experience the best of both worlds.
  • The company's new product combined the functionality of two different tools, providing customers with the best of both worlds.

Roots and History

The phrase "the best of both worlds" has been used in English since at least the 16th century, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. One of its earliest recorded uses was by William Shakespeare in his play "Twelfth Night," where he wrote: "The best of all worlds is but one too many." Over time, the idiom has become more common and has taken on a more positive connotation. It is often used to describe situations where both options are good, but one is able to choose the best aspects of each.

Synonyms in English

  • The best of two worlds
  • The pick of two worlds
  • The cream of two worlds
  • The choice of two worlds
  • The plus of two worlds

Synonyms in other languages

  • Le meilleur de deux mondes (French) - This French idiom translates to "the best of two worlds," and is used to describe situations where both options are good, but one is able to choose the best aspects of each.
  • Die schönste von beiden Weltionen (German) - This German idiom translates to "the prettiest of both worlds," and is used to describe beautiful things or experiences that combine elements of two different settings or cultures.
  • Il miglior dei due mondi (Italian) - This Italian idiom translates to "the best of the two worlds," and is used to describe situations where both options are good, but one is able to choose the best aspects of each.
  • La mejor de ambas partes (Spanish) - This Spanish idiom translates to "the best of both parts," and is used to describe situations where both options are good, but one is able to choose the best aspects of each.
  • El mejor de los dos mundos (Portuguese) - This Portuguese idiom translates to "the best of the two worlds," and is used to describe situations where both options are good, but one is able to choose the best aspects of each.

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