English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

The brains behind


"The brains behind" is an idiom that refers to the person who has the most important role or contribution in a project, business, organization, or team. This person is often responsible for making decisions and strategies that lead to success.


  • "John is the brains behind this successful startup."
  • "The team leader is the brains behind our company's growth strategy."
  • "Sarah's innovative ideas have been the brains behind many successful product launches."
  • "As the project manager, Michael plays the role of the brains behind the development of our new software."
  • "The government officials are the brains behind the new healthcare policy."

Roots and History

The idiom "the brains behind" dates back to the 18th century when it was used in the phrase "the author's brainchild." This referred to an idea or creation that was conceived by the author of a book, play, or other work. Over time, the phrase evolved to include any person who had a significant role or contribution to a project.

Synonyms in English

  • The key player
  • The primary mover
  • The driving force
  • The linchpin
  • The central figure

Synonyms in other languages

  • 燃火锅头 (Chinese) - This idiom refers to the person who is responsible for making important decisions and strategies that lead to success.
  • 主要的人物 (Japanese) - This idiom refers to the person who plays a significant role in a project, business, or team.
  • 핵심의 사람 (Korean) - This idiom refers to the person who is responsible for making important decisions and strategies that lead to success.

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