English Idioms

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The calm before the storm


The idiom "the calm before the storm" refers to a peaceful, serene, or calm atmosphere that precedes a sudden change or event, often one that is unpleasant, chaotic, or disruptive. It can also refer to a period of time where everything seems quiet and under control, but underlying tensions or conflicts are brewing. The metaphorical meaning of this idiom is that just before a storm hits, the sky becomes still and peaceful, which is often seen as a warning sign of what's to come. In the same way, "the calm before the storm" can be used to describe a situation where everything appears normal, but there are signs of trouble lurking underneath.


  • The team seemed to be in high spirits during the warm-up, but "the calm before the storm" hit them hard when they took the field.
  • As she sat in her quiet office, Sarah couldn't shake off the feeling that something was about to happen, like a hurricane coming after a lullaby-like morning.
  • The calm before the storm was over as the protesters descended on the city center, causing chaos and destruction.
  • After months of preparation, the company was ready for the launch of their product, but "the calm before the storm" hit them with unexpected challenges.
  • As the sun set over the ocean, the tourists relaxed on the beach, unaware that they were about to experience a once-in-a-lifetime moment, like a whale breaching the surface.

Roots and History

The idiom "the calm before the storm" dates back to at least the 18th century. The earliest known use of this phrase can be found in a novel written by English author Tobias Smollett in 1754 called "Ferdinand Count Fathom." In the book, Smollett describes the atmosphere before a battle as follows: "A silence reigned, that might have been broken by the sound of a feather falling from the sky; and it seemed to the soldiers that their senses were deceiving them, for they heard not a sound, not a breath." Over time, this idiom has evolved to refer to any situation where there is a sudden change or event that follows a period of calmness or serenity. It has become a widely used expression in English and is often used to describe the build-up to a disaster, a political crisis, or any other unexpected event.

Synonyms in English

  • The quiet before the storm
  • The tranquil before the tempest
  • The peaceful before the pandemonium
  • The placid before the tumult
  • The stillness before the storm

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - El calma antes de la tormenta
  • French - Le calme avant la tempête
  • German - Das ruhige vor der Sturm
  • Italian - Il tranquillo prima della tempesta
  • Russian - Хлодно перед грозой

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