English Idioms

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The die is cast


"The die is cast" is an idiom that means a situation has been decided or finalized, and there is no going back. It suggests that the outcome is predetermined and cannot be changed, even if one tries to alter it. The phrase comes from ancient Roman law where once a die was thrown, the result could not be contested.


  • "After the CEO made her decision, the die was cast, and we had to accept the new project manager." (The outcome was finalized and there was no option to change it.)
  • "I regret not speaking up earlier; the die is now cast, and my mistake will follow me forever." (The situation has been decided, and it's too late to make changes.)
  • "We knew our fate when the judge announced his decision; the die was cast, and we had to face the consequences." (The outcome was finalized, and there was no going back.)
  • "The die is cast for this campaign; we have to accept the results and move on." (The voting process has been completed, and the winner has been decided.)
  • "The die is cast for our future plans; we have to stick with them, even if they don't work out." (The outcome of a situation is finalized, and there is no option to change it.)

Roots and History

The phrase "the die is cast" originated from ancient Roman law where once a die was thrown, the result could not be contested. The term "die" refers to a piece of wood or metal that has markings on its face, and it's often used in games of chance. When the die is cast, the outcome is predetermined and cannot be changed.

Synonyms in English

  • Set in stone - A situation that has been decided and cannot be altered.
  • Finalized - A situation that has been completed and cannot be changed.
  • Sealed - A situation that has been determined and cannot be reversed.
  • Closed off - A situation where all possibilities have been exhausted, and there is no going back.
  • Concluded - A situation that has been settled and cannot be altered.

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "La situación se ha decidido; nada más puede ser hecho." (The situation has been decided, nothing more can be done.)
  • French: "La décision a été prise; rien ne peut être changé." (The decision has been made, nothing can be changed.)
  • German: "Die Entscheidung ist gefallen; nichts mehr kann verändert werden." (The decision has fallen, nothing more can be changed.)
  • Italian: "La situazione è stata conclusa; niente più può essere fatto." (The situation is closed, nothing more can be done.)
  • Dutch: "De beslissing is genomen; niets meer kan gewijzigd worden." (The decision has been taken, nothing more can be changed.)

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