English Idioms

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Think outside the box


The idiom "think outside the box" means to approach a problem or situation in an unconventional or innovative way. It suggests stepping out of one's comfort zone and considering new ideas or perspectives that may not have been previously considered.


  • When brainstorming solutions for a difficult project, it's important to think outside the box and come up with creative ideas.
  • The CEO encouraged his employees to think outside the box and come up with new ways to improve customer service.
  • The artist decided to think outside the box and create an installation that incorporated technology.
  • The scientist suggested thinking outside the box by using a different approach to solve the problem.
  • When trying to solve a complex problem, it's important to think outside the box and consider new perspectives.

Roots and History

The idiom "think outside the box" originated in the late 1900s, but it is not clear where it comes from. The phrase may have been inspired by the idea of breaking free from conventional thinking patterns or by the idea of creating something new or innovative. Over time, the phrase has become popular as a way to encourage creative thinking and innovation.

Synonyms in English

  • "Think outside the box" can also be expressed as "think out of the ordinary," "consider unconventional ideas," or "explore new possibilities."
  • Other synonyms include "approach a problem from a different angle," "come up with innovative solutions," and "think beyond traditional approaches."

Synonyms in other languages

  • In French, the equivalent idiom is "penser hors du boîte" which means to think outside the box or to think creatively.
  • In Spanish, the phrase "pensar fuera de la caja" means to think outside the box or to think out of the ordinary.
  • In Italian, the equivalent idiom is "pensare al di fuori della scatola" which means to think outside the box or to approach a problem from a different perspective.
  • In German, the phrase "denken außerhalb der Kiste" means to think outside the box or to consider new ideas.
  • In Portuguese, the equivalent idiom is "pensar fora da caixa" which means to think outside the box or to explore new possibilities.

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