English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Ups and downs


The idiom "ups and downs" refers to the fluctuation of something, or the rise and fall of events. It can describe a person's mood, business finances, or any situation that has its highs and lows.


  • The stock market has been on quite the roller coaster ride lately, with ups and downs that leave investors scratching their heads.
  • Sarah's relationship has had its ups and downs, but they're currently doing better than ever.
  • My anxiety has always been a bit of an ups and downs, but I've found that practicing mindfulness helps me manage it more effectively.
  • The weather here in the mountains can be quite unpredictable, with sudden changes from sunshine to rain in just a few hours.
  • John's career has had its fair share of ups and downs, but he's always managed to bounce back and find new opportunities.

Roots and History

The idiom "ups and downs" dates back to the 16th century, where it was used in a literal sense to describe the movement of boats or ships. Over time, it evolved into a metaphorical term that refers to any situation that has its highs and lows. The idiom became more common in contemporary language during the 20th century and continues to be used today.

Synonyms in English

  • Highs and lows
  • Ebbs and flows
  • Twists and turns
  • Swings and roundabouts
  • Rollercoaster ride

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Hauts et bas
  • Spanish: Altibajos y bajaliles
  • German: Hochtiefen und Tiefs
  • Italian: Altezze e bassi
  • Portuguese: Altas e baixas

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