English Idioms

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Vent spleen


The idiom "vent spleen" means to express anger, frustration, or resentment. It can also mean to complain or criticize openly and vocally.


  • After months of trying to save their failing business, they finally decided to vent their spleen on the boss who had ignored their concerns.
  • I don't like it when people vent their spleen at me for no reason. It makes me feel bad.
  • The new manager vents his spleen at every meeting, making everyone else feel guilty and incompetent.
  • When I find out that my friend has been cheating on me, I'll have to vent my spleen to him and make him pay for his betrayal.
  • The customer service representative vents her spleen at the end of the day when she realizes that she won't get paid for overtime.

Roots and History

The idiom "vent spleen" dates back to the 16th century, where "spleen" was believed to be a vital organ that controlled emotions and mood. If someone vents their spleen, it means they are expressing their true feelings without holding anything back. The phrase comes from the idea of releasing pent-up anger or frustration through a vent in one's belly (the spleen).

Synonyms in English

  • Let off steam
  • Blow off some steam
  • Express indignation
  • Vent frustration
  • Unleash fury

Synonyms in other languages

  • English - let out steam: 🏊‍♂️🏋🏻‍♀️ (run, exercise)
  • Spanish - dar vuelta a la luna: 🌙 (go for a walk around the moon)
  • French - émettre une plainte: 😞 (file a complaint)
  • Italian - sfurgare il rancore: 💔 (express anger)
  • German - entlassen das Nachgekühlte: 🏃🏻‍♂️ (run off some steam)

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