English Idioms

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Waiting time


The idiom "waiting time" refers to the amount of time a person has to wait before they receive something or someone they desire, such as a service or appointment, a return phone call or message, or a friend or family member. It can also refer to the time a person has to wait for their turn in a queue or line, or the time it takes for a process or event to occur.


  • "I've been waiting for two hours on hold to speak with customer service." (Literally waiting for a response from a company)
  • "I can't believe I have to wait in this line for an hour just to get my haircut." (Figuratively waiting in a physical queue)
  • "My flight was delayed by three hours, which added two more hours to my waiting time at the airport." (Literally waiting for a flight, but figuratively waiting for travel plans to be completed)
  • "I've been waiting for months for my friend to call me back." (Figuratively waiting for a response from someone)
  • "The doctor told me I have to wait six weeks for the results of my test." (Literally waiting for a medical result, but figuratively waiting for an answer)

Roots and History

The idiom "waiting time" has roots in Old English as "wæitan", meaning "to wait". It has been used since at least the 14th century and its meaning has remained relatively consistent over time. However, it has become more commonly used in contemporary language and has taken on a more figurative sense beyond just waiting for something or someone to arrive.

Synonyms in English

  • Waiting period
  • Patience is a virtue
  • Hold on
  • Awaiting
  • Time-consuming

Synonyms in other languages

  • Español: Espera
  • Français: Attendez
  • Deutsch: Erwarten
  • Italiano: Attendere
  • Japanese: 待ちます (Mataimasu)

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