English Idioms

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Well read


"Well Read" means to be highly educated or knowledgeable about a particular subject or field. It can also refer to someone who is up-to-date on current events and news.


  • The journalist was well read in politics, so he was able to provide insightful commentary on the latest political developments.
  • I always try to stay well read on technology so that I can keep up with the latest trends and innovations.
  • She's an avid reader and is well read in classic literature, which has influenced her writing style.
  • I was impressed by the breadth of knowledge and expertise of the judge, who was well read on legal issues.
  • The CEO was well read on finance and investment, which helped him make informed decisions for the company.

Roots and History

"Well Read" originated in the Middle Ages when education was highly valued in the upper classes. Books were expensive and rare, so only those who could afford them would be able to access information and ideas that others could not. Over time, education became more accessible and widespread, but the idea of being well read remained associated with knowledge and expertise.

Synonyms in English

  • Highly educated
  • Knowledgeable
  • Informed
  • Well-informed
  • Brainy

Synonyms in other languages

  • Encyclopédique (French) - This word means "encyclopedic," referring to someone who has a vast knowledge of many subjects.
  • Schichtig (German) - This word means "well-informed" or "smart."
  • Alkhalil (Arabic) - This word means "wise" or "knowledgeable."
  • 賓輕 (Japanese) - This phrase means "to read and learn much" and is often used to describe someone who is well read on a particular subject.
  • 學習者 (Chinese) - This phrase means "learner" or "student," which implies someone who is actively seeking knowledge and education.

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