English Idioms

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When in Rome, do as the Romans


The idiom "when in Rome, do as the Romans" means to follow the customs, traditions, or behavior of a particular place or culture when you are there. It suggests that one should adapt to the local norms and avoid imposing their own values or ways on others.


  • When visiting Italy for the first time, I decided to embrace the local customs and try out some authentic Italian dishes.
  • In order to fit in with the group, John started speaking Spanish fluently even though he wasn't very good at it.
  • She always dresses conservatively when attending business meetings, but when in Rome, she let loose and wore a bright red dress to a wedding.
  • When attending a Japanese tea ceremony, it's important to follow the proper etiquette and manners even if they seem strange or unfamiliar to you.
  • During her trip to Africa, Sarah decided to embrace the local customs and tried out a traditional African dance. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used to encourage someone to adopt a different way of life or to adapt to a new environment. It can also be used to criticize someone who doesn't fit in with a particular culture or group.

Roots and History

The origin of this idiom is unclear, but it may have originated from the idea that when you are in Rome, you should do as the Romans do. This phrase was first recorded in English in 1670 in a collection of proverbs by John Heywood. Over time, the phrase has evolved to include any culture or place where one should follow local customs and traditions.

Synonyms in English

  • When in Rome, do as the Romans say/do.
  • When in Rome, behave like a Roman.
  • When in Rome, act like a native.
  • When in Rome, fit in with the locals.
  • When in Rome, don't impose your own values.

Synonyms in other languages

  • En Español: Cuando en Roma, haz lo que los romanos hacen.
  • In French: Lorsque vous êtes à Rome, faites ce que les Romains font.
  • In German: Wenn du in Rom bist, mach wie die Römer machen.
  • In Italian: Quando sei a Roma, fatti come i romani fanno.
  • In Japanese: ロマンに行ってロマンの濡れた方を見る。(Rome ni itte Rome no nureta hōkou o miru.)

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