English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Wouldn’t be caught dead


The idiom "wouldn’t be caught dead" is a strong negative expression that means someone will not do something, even if it's necessary or important. It implies that the person is unwilling to take on the task or that they find it unacceptable or distasteful. It can also indicate a lack of loyalty or trustworthiness in a situation.


  • I wouldn’t be caught dead speaking to my ex-girlfriend, even if it was for work.
  • My best friend is very picky about what she eats, and I wouldn’t be caught dead serving her anything that doesn’t meet her strict dietary standards.
  • The new CEO's management style has caused a lot of conflict in the company, and many employees won’t be caught dead working under him.
  • When planning a surprise party for my friend, I made sure to choose a location that he wouldn’t be caught dead at, like his ex-wife's house.
  • My daughter is very independent and refuses to ask for help from anyone, even if she needs it. I wouldn’t be caught dead asking her to do something that she doesn’t want to do.

Roots and History

The exact origin of the idiom "wouldn't be caught dead" is unclear, but there are several theories about where it comes from. One theory suggests that it derives from medieval English when people believed that a dead body could be "caught" if they were buried in certain positions or places. Another theory proposes that it originated in the 19th century as a result of gang violence, with members declaring they wouldn't be caught dead in enemy territory. Over time, the idiom has evolved to become a popular expression used in many different contexts, from personal relationships to professional settings. It is now commonly understood as a strong negative response to a situation that someone finds unacceptable or distasteful.

Synonyms in English

  • I won't do it.
  • I refuse to.
  • No way, no how.
  • Not on my list of things to do.
  • Never in a million years.

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - "No me lo permita" - This expression means that someone is forbidden from doing something, as if it were against the law or morality.
  • French - "Je ne peux pas" - This idiom means that someone is unable to do something, often because it's too difficult or impossible.
  • German - "Ich werde nicht" - This expression means that someone will not do something, as if it were a personal choice or conviction.
  • Italian - "Non posso" - This idiom means that someone is unable to do something, often because of physical limitations or other constraints.
  • Japanese - "やりません" - This expression means that someone will not do something, as if it were a personal preference or conviction.

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