English Idioms

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Zero hour


The idiom "zero hour" refers to a situation or time when an important event is about to happen, occur, or take place. It suggests that there is no more time left to do something before the moment of truth or judgment arrives. The figurative meaning is often used to describe a critical or decisive point in time.


  • After weeks of hard work, the team reached the zero hour of their presentation.
  • The company had until midnight to sign the contract, which was the zero hour for their merger.
  • The athlete's training peaked at the zero hour of the competition.
  • The patient's condition deteriorated rapidly during the zero hour before the emergency surgery.
  • As the deadline approached, the writer reached the zero hour of completing their novel.

Roots and History

The idiom "zero hour" has been used since the 19th century to describe a critical moment in time when something is about to happen or occur. It originated from military language where it referred to the hour when an attack could begin or be launched. The phrase gained popularity during World War II when air raids often took place at night and had to be coordinated precisely.

Synonyms in English

  • Final hour
  • Last minute
  • Turning point
  • Critical moment
  • Make-or-break time

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "Momento decisivo" (decisive moment)
  • French: "Heure critique" (critical hour)
  • German: "Kritische Stunde" (critical hour)
  • Italian: "Ora di decisione" (hour of decision)
  • Chinese: "关键时刻" (key moment)

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