English Idioms

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All hell will let loose


The idiom "all hell will let loose" means that something terrible or disastrous is about to happen. It is often used to describe a situation where chaos, disorder, and confusion reign. Example usage:

  • The storm was so severe that all hell will let loose if it continues for another hour.
  • I'm afraid all hell will let loose if we don't find the missing person soon.
  • All hell will let loose if we don't complete this project on time.
  • If the economy collapses, all hell will let loose and we'll be facing a major crisis.
  • The pandemic has already caused so much damage, and all hell will let loose if it continues to spread.


The usage of "all hell will let loose" can vary depending on the context. In some cases, it can be used as a warning or prediction of what may happen. In others, it can be used to describe a situation that is already in full swing. Example usage:

  • If we don't take action now, all hell will let loose and we'll regret not acting sooner.
  • We need to prepare for the worst, because all hell will let loose if there's another natural disaster.
  • All hell is already letting loose in the streets as protests continue to escalate.
  • The company had been struggling financially, but all hell broke loose when they announced layoffs.
  • We need to stay vigilant and prepare for any eventuality, because all hell will let loose if this virus continues to spread.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "all hell will let loose" is unclear, but it is believed to have been first used in English in the early 20th century. It may have originated as a euphemism for the idea that something terrible was about to happen, or as a metaphor for the feeling of chaos and disarray that accompanies such events. Over time, the idiom has become more commonly used and has taken on a more ominous connotation. It is often used to describe situations that are highly volatile and unpredictable, and where there may be significant consequences if things go wrong.

Synonyms in English

  • Chaos will reign supreme
  • Disaster awaits us
  • Mayhem will ensue
  • The sky will fall
  • The end of the world is nigh

Synonyms in other languages

  • In Spanish: "El infierno se abre en los brazos" (The infernal hell opens its arms)
  • In French: "Le ciel tombera sur nous" (The sky will fall on us)
  • In German: "Der Himmel fällt" (The sky is falling)
  • In Italian: "Il mondo è in fiamme" (The world is on fire)
  • In Portuguese: "O inferno está abrindo os braços" (The infernal hell is opening its arms)

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