English Idioms

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Apple pie order


The idiom "apple pie order" refers to an order that is very specific, detailed, or precise. It suggests that the person asking for the order wants everything exactly as they have requested.


  • John always makes sure to put his exact order in when eating at the restaurant. He doesn't want any surprises on his bill.
  • The project manager sent out an apple pie order to the team, detailing every aspect of the presentation that was expected.
  • The chef made sure to follow the customer's apple pie order to the letter, ensuring that they received exactly what they wanted.
  • Sarah always asks for her order in an apple pie order when ordering online. She wants everything to be perfect and doesn't want any mistakes.
  • The lawyer put in his apple pie order for his client's case, making sure every detail was covered and nothing was missed. The usage of the idiom "apple pie order" can vary depending on the context. In some cases, it may refer to a very detailed or precise order for something specific, such as a restaurant meal or presentation. In other cases, it may refer to an order for anything that requires a lot of attention to detail, such as a legal case or project.

Roots and History

The exact origin of the idiom "apple pie order" is unclear, but it has been in use since at least the 18th century. It may have come from the fact that apple pie was often served with coffee, and customers would request their slice to be placed on top of their coffee in a specific way. Over time, the idiom came to refer to any order that required a lot of attention to detail or specificity.

Synonyms in English

  • Specify
  • Detail
  • Requisition
  • Command
  • Order

Synonyms in other languages

  • La commande en détail (French) - This idiom translates to "a detailed order" and is used in the same way as the English phrase.
  • 詳細的指示 (Mandarin Chinese) - This idiom translates to "detailed instructions" and refers to a very specific set of instructions that need to be followed.
  • La raccomandazione (Italian) - This idiom translates to "a recommendation" and is used to suggest a particular course of action or product.
  • La récommandation (French) - This idiom translates to "a recommendation" and refers to an official endorsement or backing for something.
  • אוקדמהת הפרטניען בליינה (Hebrew) - This idiom translates to "a precise order in Berlin" and is used to refer to a very specific order for something that needs to be meticulously executed.

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