English Idioms

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Apple of discord


The idiom "apple of discord" refers to a person or thing that causes conflict or disagreement among people. It can also mean something that is controversial or divisive, causing people to have opposing opinions or take sides. Example sentences:

  • The presence of the new CEO quickly became an apple of discord among the employees due to their management style.
  • The political debate over healthcare reform has become an apple of discord among politicians and citizens alike.
  • The controversial decision to allow guns in public places sparked a heated discussion, making it an apple of discord among neighbors and community members.


The usage of the idiom "apple of discord" can vary depending on the context. It can be used to describe a person or thing that causes conflict or disagreement in any situation, whether personal, professional, or political. Example sentences:

  • The ongoing feud between siblings has become an apple of discord in their family, causing tension and awkwardness at gatherings.
  • The contentious issue of abortion rights has remained an apple of discord among political leaders for years.
  • The introduction of new technology in the workplace often becomes an apple of discord among employees who are resistant to change.

Roots and History

The idiom "apple of discord" comes from the story of King Midas, who was granted the ability to turn anything he touched into gold. However, his greed caused him to hoard all the gold for himself, leaving his subjects without food or clothing. As a punishment, Hera, the wife of Zeus, sent two snakes to kill him while he slept. When Midas woke up, he realized what had happened and begged for mercy. Zeus granted his wish, but only on the condition that he never look at himself in the mirror again or touch gold. The apple of discord is said to have fallen from Hera's apple tree as she was carrying it to kill Midas, symbolizing the conflict and strife caused by greed and selfishness.

Synonyms in English

  • Stick in the mud
  • Naysayer
  • Debbie downer
  • Grumpy old man/woman
  • Negative Nancy

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "la boue de l'esprit" (mud in the mind)
  • Spanish: "el tronco de la enfermedad" (root of illness)
  • German: "die Wurzel der Zerstörung" (root of destruction)
  • Italian: "il fango della parola" (mud of words)
  • Portuguese: "a raiz do problema" (root of the problem)

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