English Idioms

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Know on which side bread is buttered


The idiom "know on which side bread is buttered" refers to being familiar with a particular subject or situation, or having experience or knowledge about something. It means being aware of the details and nuances of a specific topic. This expression can be used to describe someone who has expertise or proficiency in a certain area.


  • "I've been working on this project for a year now, so I definitely know on which side bread is buttered when it comes to software development."
  • "Before going into the interview, I did my research and studied the company's products and services. I knew on which side bread was buttered when it came to their industry."
  • "I'm not familiar with the rules of golf, so I don't know on which side bread is buttered in that sport."
  • "As a chef, I know on which side bread is buttered when it comes to cooking techniques and ingredients."
  • "When it comes to politics, I may not agree with all policies, but I do know on which side bread is buttered when it comes to the voting process."

Roots and History

The origin of this idiom is unclear, but it has been in use since at least the 19th century. It is believed to have originated from the farming industry, where farmers would butter one side of their bread before they ate it. This was a way of marking which side had been buttered so that they could remember and not butter it again. Over time, this expression evolved to refer to someone who knew about a specific topic or situation.

Synonyms in English

  • Know the ropes
  • Be well-versed in
  • Have experience
  • Be proficient in
  • Be an expert

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Avoir les choses en tête (to have a head full of things or to be knowledgeable)
  • Spanish: Tener experiencia (to have experience)
  • German: Erfahrung haben (to have experience)
  • Italian: Avere esperienza (to have experience)
  • Portuguese: Ter experiência (to have experience)

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