English Idioms

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Keep at arm’s length


The idiom "keep at arm's length" means to maintain a distance or avoid close contact or intimacy. It can also mean to treat someone with caution or skepticism, or to keep a professional or formal relationship.


  • I always try to keep my personal life separate from work and keep my colleagues at arm's length.
  • She's still hurt by the betrayal and refuses to forgive him; she keeps him at arm's length.
  • He's suspicious of anyone who's too eager to help him and keeps them at arm's length.
  • She wants to keep things casual with us, but I feel like we have more in common and want to be closer friends.
  • We have a business relationship, but he keeps me at arm's length and doesn't trust me enough to share important information.

Roots and History

The idiom "keep at arm's length" originated from the practice of swordsmen in the 16th century. They would hold their weapons at a distance from their opponent, as close as they could reach without touching each other. Over time, the phrase came to mean keeping someone or something at a distance, both literally and metaphorically. The idiom has been used in English since the 19th century and its meaning has remained relatively consistent over time.

Synonyms in English

  • Keep your distance
  • Maintain a safe distance
  • Keep things professional
  • Keep things casual
  • Avoid close contact

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "maintenir une distance" (to maintain a distance)
  • German: "ein Abstand halten" (to keep a distance)
  • Italian: "mantenere una distanza" (to maintain a distance)
  • Spanish: "mantener una distancia" (to maintain a distance)
  • Portuguese: "manter uma distância" (to maintain a distance)

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