English Idioms

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Apple of eye


The idiom "apple of eye" is used to describe someone or something that is highly valued, cherished, or beloved by someone or a group of people. It can also be used to refer to an object or place that is considered attractive or beautiful.

The literal meaning of the phrase "apple of eye" comes from Genesis 24:6 in the Bible, where Isaac refers to his beloved Rebecca as the "apple of his eye." This phrase has been used in literature and poetry throughout history to refer to someone or something that is greatly treasured.


  • The "apple of my father's eye" was always my older brother. He was always the favorite, no matter how many times I tried to steal the limelight.
  • She didn't look like much on the outside, but once he got to know her, she became the apple of his eye.
  • My grandma's apple pie is the apple of my eye, and I can never get enough of it.
  • The city skyline was the apple of my eye during my visit to New York City.
  • When I found out I won the lottery, I knew I would use the money to buy the apple of my eye, a new sports car.

Roots and History

The phrase "apple of eye" can be traced back to ancient Egypt, where it was used in religious texts to describe an image or symbol that was highly revered. This usage eventually evolved into a phrase used to describe someone or something that is greatly valued or cherished.

Synonyms in English

  • Treasure
  • Jewel
  • Gemstone
  • Pearl
  • Love of my life

Synonyms in other languages

  • French - "Joie de vivre" (joy of life)
  • Spanish - "Lujo" (luxury)
  • German - "Herzenssache" (matter of the heart)
  • Italian - "Oggetto di desiderio" (object of desire)
  • Portuguese - "Objeto de adoração" (object of adoration)

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