English Idioms

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Arrive in a body


The idiom "arrive in a body" means to arrive physically, without any delay or problems. It is used to describe the arrival of a person or thing.


  • I am glad you arrived in a body for our family reunion today.
  • The package finally arrived in a body after three days of waiting.
  • She was worried about her flight but arrived in a body after a long journey.
  • We were excited to see him again, he had been sick and couldn't come home earlier. He arrived in a body this morning.
  • The package was delivered safely to our office, we can open it now that it has arrived in a body.

Roots and History

The idiom "arrive in a body" originated in the 19th century, according to the Oxford English Dictionary. It is related to the phrase "in person", which means physically present at a place or event. Over time, the idiom became more commonly used in everyday language, and its meaning has remained relatively stable.

Synonyms in English

The synonyms for "arrive in a body" include arrive, land, come ashore, disembark, and step foot.

Synonyms in other languages

  • French - Arriver en personne (literally "to arrive in person")
  • Spanish - Llevarse a tierra firme (literally "to take oneself to solid ground")
  • German - Ankommen (literally "to arrive")
  • Italian - Arrivare in carne e ossa (literally "to arrive in flesh and bone")
  • Portuguese - Chegar em corpo (literally "to arrive in body")

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