English Idioms

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Bang head against wall


The idiom "bang head against wall" means to hit one's head repeatedly against a wall or any hard surface in frustration, anger or desperation. It can also mean to encounter an obstacle or situation that is difficult to overcome or solve. The figurative meaning suggests that someone is trying very hard but is not making progress and is becoming increasingly frustrated.


  • I've been banging my head against the wall for hours trying to solve this problem, but nothing seems to work.
  • After months of unsuccessful job searching, she felt like she was banging her head against a wall.
  • The team hit a roadblock and were banging their heads against a wall trying to find a solution.
  • The student spent countless hours studying for the exam but felt like he was banging his head against a wall.
  • She tried everything to get the project off the ground, but it seemed like she was banging her head against a wall.

Roots and History

The origin of this idiom is not entirely clear, but there are several theories. One theory suggests that it comes from the medieval practice of trying to break one's own skull in order to prove oneself as a warrior or soldier. Another theory suggests that it comes from the old method of punishing people by making them stand with their backs against a wall until they passed out. The idiom may have also originated from hitting one's head on a wall or other hard surface out of anger, frustration, or desperation.

Synonyms in English

  • Beat your head against a wall
  • Hit your head against a wall
  • Bash your head against a wall
  • Crash your head against a wall
  • Butt your head against a wall

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - Golpear la cabeza contra una pared
  • French - Frapper sa tête contre une muraille
  • German - Kopf mit der Mauer treffen
  • Italian - Colpire la testa contro un muro
  • Portuguese - Correr-se cabeça contra parede

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