English Idioms

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Burn the midnight oil


The idiom "burn the midnight oil" means to work very hard or stay up late working on a task or project. It suggests that someone is so focused on their work that they don't even take time for basic needs like sleeping, eating, and socializing.


  • She had to burn the midnight oil to finish her report before the meeting the next day.
  • He burned the midnight oil every night to perfect his new software program.
  • They were so engrossed in their work that they forgot to eat and ended up burning the midnight oil.
  • The deadline was fast approaching, so the team had to burn the midnight oil to meet it.
  • She sacrificed her sleep to burn the midnight oil and get her project done on time.

Roots and History

The idiom "burn the midnight oil" dates back to the 19th century and is believed to have originated in the United States. The phrase likely refers to the practice of candlelight or oil lamps being used as a source of light during the evening hours, with people working late into the night. Over time, the phrase evolved to refer specifically to working hard on a task or project, regardless of the time of day.

Synonyms in English

  • Work tirelessly
  • Stay up late
  • Put in long hours
  • Crank out work
  • Grind away

Synonyms in other languages

  • 燃尽夜晚 (Chinese) - This phrase literally means "to burn the midnight oil" and is commonly used to describe someone who works very hard at night.
  • נושנים אל מהיעבות כול לחצירה (Hebrew) - This phrase translates to "nights of burning oil" and is used to describe the period of time leading up to the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah when people light special candles in their homes.
  • דוקשן על מפרס תכונה (Hebrew) - This phrase translates to "to burn for a new mitzvah" and is used to describe someone who is extremely dedicated to performing a new or important mitzvah (commandment).
  • 夜晚燃尽油灯 (Japanese) - This phrase literally means "to burn the midnight oil" and is commonly used to describe someone who works very hard at night.
  • 夜晚加班 (Japanese) - This phrase translates to "nighttime overtime" and is used to describe someone who works extra hours in the evening.

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