English Idioms

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Belle of the ball


The idiom "belle of the ball" is used to describe someone who is elegant, charming, and attractive. This person stands out at social events or gatherings and is often the center of attention.


  • She was the belle of the ball, with her stunning gown and captivating smile.
  • The belle of the ball was in full form tonight, with a sparkling dress and infectious energy.
  • He was the belle of the ball, turning heads with his confident demeanor and effortless charm.
  • She was the belle of the ball at the wedding reception, commanding attention with her elegant dress and graceful movements.
  • The belle of the ball was hard to miss, with a stunning diamond necklace that glinted under the lights.

Roots and History

The idiom "belle of the ball" originated in the 19th century and is believed to have come from the French phrase "belle de jour," which translates to "beautiful of the day." This phrase was used to describe a woman who was attractive and charming, and was often associated with women who worked as prostitutes during the daytime. Over time, the idiom evolved to refer to anyone who was elegantly dressed and had a magnetic personality. It became more generalized and less specific to any particular profession or social class.

Synonyms in English

  • Stunning
  • Alluring
  • Charming
  • Graceful
  • Captivating

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: Hermoso/a (Beautiful)
  • French: Beau/beauté (Beautiful)
  • Italian: Bella (Beautiful)
  • German: Schön/Schöne (Beautiful)
  • Russian: Льодовитое красота (Ice beauty)

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