English Idioms

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Beyond a shadow of doubt


"Beyond a shadow of doubt" is an idiom that means "with absolute certainty," or "without any possibility of error or mistake." It means that something is so clear and definite that it cannot be questioned or disputed.


  • The evidence presented in court was beyond a shadow of doubt, and the jury found the defendant guilty.
  • We knew that our plans would succeed beyond a shadow of doubt, as we had carefully prepared for every possible scenario.
  • My friend told me that she would never consider marrying her ex-boyfriend beyond a shadow of doubt.
  • The company's financial performance was outstanding, and their profit margins were beyond a shadow of doubt.
  • The research team was confident in their findings beyond a shadow of doubt, as they had conducted extensive testing and analysis. The usage of "beyond a shadow of doubt" can vary depending on the context. For example, in legal cases, this idiom is often used to describe evidence that is so clear and convincing that it cannot be challenged or overturned. In personal relationships, the idiom may be used to express a feeling of certainty that a decision will be made without any hesitation or doubt.

Roots and History

The idiom "beyond a shadow of doubt" has its roots in Middle English, where it was first recorded in the 14th century as "boude lesen." Over time, the phrase evolved to become "beyond a shadow of doubt," which gained its current meaning in the 20th century. The idiom's usage became more common in contemporary language due to its clarity and simplicity, making it an easy way to express certainty and confidence.

Synonyms in English

  • For sure
  • No doubt
  • Undoubtedly
  • Without a doubt
  • Absolutely

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: Comme certes (as certainly)
  • German: Wie sicher (as certain)
  • Spanish: Claramente (clearly)
  • Italian: In certo modo (in certain way)
  • Japanese: 確実に (with certainty)

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