English Idioms

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Bright spark


The idiom "bright spark" refers to someone who is intelligent, clever or quick-witted. It is used to describe a person who stands out because of their unique characteristics or abilities, often in a positive way.


  • The new employee at the company is a real bright spark - she's already coming up with innovative ideas to improve our products.
  • My brother-in-law is a bit of a bright spark - he's always cracking jokes and making everyone laugh.
  • The scientist who discovered the cure for cancer is considered a true bright spark in the field of medicine.
  • Our team leader is a bright spark - she's very inspiring and motivates us to do our best work.
  • My grandma was a bright spark - she had a quick wit and never failed to make everyone smile.

Roots and History

The phrase "bright spark" dates back to the 18th century and is believed to have originated in Scotland. It was used to describe someone who was particularly clever or intelligent, often associated with a particular 'spark' or brightness in their personality. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has remained largely consistent, but it has become more commonly used in contemporary language.

Synonyms in English

  • Quick thinker
  • Clever
  • Intelligent
  • Brainy
  • Smart

Synonyms in other languages

  • Español: "Brillo" - This Spanish idiom means 'shiny' or 'bright,' and is used to describe someone who is intelligent or clever.
  • French: "Lumière" - This French word literally translates to 'light,' and is used to describe someone who is smart, intelligent or clever.
  • German: "Aufklärung" - This German idiom means 'enlightenment' or 'clarity,' and is used to describe someone who is bright, intelligent or quick-witted.
  • Russian: "Степень" - This Russian word refers to a level of intelligence or knowledge, and can be translated as 'degree.' It is commonly used to describe someone who is particularly smart or clever.
  • Italian: "Genio" - This Italian idiom means 'genius' or 'brilliance,' and is used to describe someone who is exceptionally intelligent or clever.

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