English Idioms

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By hook or by crook


The idiom "by hook or by crook" means to accomplish something using any means necessary, even if it's not the most ethical or legal way to do so. It suggests that someone is willing to take shortcuts and bend the rules to achieve their goals. The phrase comes from the idea of a fisherman using a hook or a crook (a type of fishing pole) to catch fish.


  • John was determined to get ahead in his career, so he by hook or by crook managed to get the promotion he wanted.
  • Sarah cheated on her exam, but she said she did it "by hook or by crook" because she really needed the grade.
  • The company cut corners and used illegal labor practices to produce their products faster, but they denied any wrongdoing.
  • Mark's friends helped him steal a car so he could go on a road trip, but he promised to pay them back somehow.
  • The hackers who stole the sensitive data from the company used various tactics, including phishing and malware attacks, to by hook or by crook gain access to the system.

Roots and History

The idiom "by hook or by crook" dates back to at least the 17th century in English literature. It appears in works such as Samuel Johnson's "Dictionary of English" (1755) and William Shakespeare's play "Much Ado About Nothing" (1600). The phrase has its roots in fishing, where a hook is used to catch fish and a crook is used to support the fishing line. Over time, the idiom has evolved to mean any means necessary to achieve a goal, regardless of how ethical or legal it may be.

Synonyms in English

  • By any means necessary
  • Whatever it takes
  • At all costs
  • Go to great lengths
  • Leave no stone unturned

Synonyms in other languages

  • In español: por cualquier medio posible (por cualquier medio)
  • En français: par tous les moyens possibles (par tous les moyens)
  • In Italian: per ogni mezzo necessario (per ogni mezzo)
  • In German: durch jeden Mittel (durch jeden Mittel)
  • In Chinese: 无论什么方法 (无论什么方法)

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