English Idioms

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By the way


The idiom "by the way" is a casual expression used to introduce an unrelated topic into a conversation. It is typically used when the speaker wants to mention something that they believe is interesting or important, but it does not directly relate to the topic being discussed at the moment.


  • John was telling me about his new job when he suddenly said, "By the way, I just bought a house in the suburbs."
  • During our meeting, Sarah brought up her plans for vacation by saying, "Oh, and by the way, I'm thinking of going to Bali."
  • As we were discussing the project deadline, Mike inserted, "By the way, have you heard about the new coffee shop that opened up downtown?"
  • While talking with my friend about his hobbies, he said, "You know, by the way, I've been learning to play guitar lately."
  • In a casual conversation with a coworker, I mentioned, "By the way, have you seen any good movies lately?"

Roots and History

The earliest known use of "by the way" can be traced back to the 16th century in England. It is believed to have originated from the phrase "by the by," which was used to refer to something that happened or occurred incidentally or accidentally. Over time, the meaning of "by the way" shifted to include unrelated topics or information that the speaker wants to introduce into the conversation.

Synonyms in English

  • Aside from that
  • In addition to that
  • By the same token
  • That's another story
  • But wait, there's more

Synonyms in other languages

  • En passant (French) - Used to refer to something mentioned incidentally or accidentally during a conversation.
  • Aufmerksamkeit (German) - A phrase that translates to "pay attention" and is used to draw someone's attention to a particular point in a conversation.
  • Dikkat (Turkish) - Used to refer to something that requires extra attention or caution during a conversation.
  • Sobremesa (Spanish) - A phrase that translates to "chitchat" or "small talk," and is used to describe conversations that touch on unrelated topics.
  • Çayınızda Bulanlar (Arabic) - Used to refer to something that is happening or occurring during a conversation, but is not directly related to the main topic being discussed.

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