English Idioms

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Catch napping


The idiom "catch napping" means to surprise someone by arriving unexpectedly while they are sleeping or resting. It can also mean to take advantage of someone who is not alert or aware. The figurative meaning is to disrupt or interrupt someone's peaceful state of mind or routine.


  • "I caught my neighbor napping in his garden today." - This sentence uses the literal meaning of the idiom, where the speaker surprises their neighbor while they are sleeping.
  • "I always try to avoid catching my boss napping during meetings." - In this sentence, the speaker is aware of the figurative meaning of the idiom and wants to avoid disrupting their boss's concentration during work-related activities.
  • "My friend caught me napping on the couch last night." - Here, the speaker uses the literal meaning of the idiom but in a teasing way.
  • "I accidentally caught my dog napping on the windowsill." - This sentence uses the literal meaning of the idiom to describe an unexpected encounter with one's pet.
  • "I intentionally caught my coworker napping at their desk to get some extra work done." - In this sentence, the speaker uses the figurative meaning of the idiom to take advantage of their coworker's absence of attention during work hours.

Roots and History

The earliest known use of the idiom "catch napping" dates back to the mid-18th century in English literature. It has been used in various forms throughout history, including as a noun ("catching a nap") or a verb ("to catch someone napping"). The idiom is believed to have originated from the idea of catching someone off guard or disrupting their peaceful state of mind.

Synonyms in English

  • Catch someone by surprise
  • Interrupt someone's routine
  • Disrupt someone's peace of mind
  • Take advantage of someone who is not alert
  • Surprise someone unexpectedly

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: Sorprender alguien por sorpresa
  • French: Prendre quelqu'un par surprise
  • German: Überraschen jemanden
  • Italian: Surprendere qualcuno per sorpresa
  • Portuguese: Entrar na paz de alguém sem ser notado

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