English Idioms

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Creme de la creme


"Creme de la creme" is a French idiom that literally means "the cream of the cream". In English, it translates to "the best of the best". This idiom is used to describe people or things that are considered the most exceptional and elite within their category.


  • The restaurant only served the finest dishes made with the freshest ingredients - truly a treat for foodies who appreciate the creme de la creme of culinary experiences.
  • After years of hard work, she was finally recognized as one of the top athletes in her sport and received all the accolades that came with it - truly the creme de la creme of her industry.
  • The company's newest product is marketed as the absolute best and most innovative in its category - the creme de la creme of gadgets for tech enthusiasts.
  • When it comes to fashion, some people prefer the classic styles while others are drawn to the latest trends that push boundaries - but ultimately, we all know that true style lies in finding your own personal creme de la creme and sticking with it.
  • When it comes to choosing a vacation destination, there are endless options to choose from - but for those who want to experience the ultimate in luxury and relaxation, the best destinations are often considered the creme de la creme of travel experiences.

Roots and History

The idiom "creme de la creme" has its roots in the French language and is believed to have originated in the 19th century. The phrase refers to the idea that cream rises to the top, and just like how cream is the richest and most desirable part of milk, the "creme de la creme" represents the best and most elite within their category. Over time, the idiom has become widely used in English and other languages to describe exceptional people or things that stand out from the rest. While the meaning of the phrase has remained consistent over time, its usage has evolved to reflect changing cultural norms and values. For example, in the past, "creme de la creme" was often associated with traditional values such as aristocracy and elitism. Today, however, the phrase is used more broadly to describe anyone or anything that is considered exceptional, regardless of their background or social status.

Synonyms in English

  • Top of the line
  • Elite
  • Premium
  • High-end
  • Best of the best

Synonyms in other languages

  • En français - le crème de la crème (literally "the cream of the cream")
  • In Spanish - la crema de la crema (literally "the cream of the cream")
  • In German - der Top (literally "the top")
  • In Italian - il miglior di tutti (literally "the best of all")
  • In Portuguese - o melhor de todos (literally "the best of all")

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