English Idioms

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Cross paths


The idiom "cross paths" means to meet someone or something by chance while going about one's daily activities or travels. It can also refer to the coincidental encounter of two individuals who share a common interest or connection. In a metaphorical sense, it can mean overcoming obstacles or achieving success in unexpected ways.


  • I was walking through the city when I crossed paths with an old friend from college.
  • Our lives took a dramatic turn when we crossed paths with a group of strangers who were traveling to the same destination as us.
  • As luck would have it, we crossed paths with the perfect person for the job opening we had been searching for.
  • The two authors crossed paths at a literary conference and have since become close friends and collaborators.
  • Even though we have different backgrounds, we crossed paths during our volunteer work at the local animal shelter and have formed a strong bond.

Roots and History

The idiom "cross paths" dates back to the 14th century and is believed to have originated from the literal meaning of crossing someone's path while walking or traveling. Over time, it has taken on a more figurative sense, referring to chance encounters that lead to meaningful connections or events. The phrase has remained relatively stable in its usage throughout history, with no significant changes in meaning or context.

Synonyms in English

  • Run into someone by accident
  • Bump into someone unexpectedly
  • Stumble upon something by chance
  • Encounter someone fortuitously
  • Serendipity strikes

Synonyms in other languages

  • 碰撞 (Chinese) - refers to a collision or impact between two objects, but can also be used to describe a chance encounter with someone or something.
  • 突然相遇 (Japanese) - means "suddenly meeting" and can refer to either a literal or figurative encounter.
  • случайно встретить (Arabic) - means "to meet by chance" and is used in both literal and metaphorical contexts.
  • הנשון מחזירא (Hebrew) - means "the paths converge" and is used to describe the idea of two or more individuals crossing paths at a moment of significance.
  • קעוות בדים (Hebrew) - means "intertwining of paths" and is used to describe the idea of two or more individuals' lives becoming interconnected in unexpected ways.

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