English Idioms

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Cry over spilt milk


The idiom "cry over spilt milk" means to regret or lament over something that cannot be changed, usually after a mistake has been made. It can also mean to waste time or effort on something that is fruitless or pointless. This phrase is often used as a cautionary tale for those who tend to dwell on past mistakes or missed opportunities.


  • After missing her bus, she started to cry over spilt milk and ended up being late for her interview.
  • Instead of crying over spilt milk, we should focus on what we can do now to fix the situation.
  • Don't cry over spilt milk; mistakes are a natural part of life, and we need to learn from them.
  • The team was devastated after losing the game, but they quickly realized that crying over spilt milk wouldn't solve anything.
  • She spent all day crying over spilt milk, not realizing that she could have easily found another job.

Roots and History

The earliest known use of this idiom can be traced back to the 16th century in Old English literature. The phrase "cynnian", which means "to cry", is used in various stories as a way for characters to express their emotions. Over time, this phrase evolved into "cry over spilt milk" and became a commonly used idiom in modern English. The meaning of the idiom has remained relatively consistent throughout its history, but it may have become more widely recognized and commonly used in contemporary language.

Synonyms in English

  • Regret nothing
  • Don't dwell on mistakes
  • Move on from the past
  • Learn from your mistakes
  • No use crying over spilt milk

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish: "No llorar sobre la leche agotada" - This phrase translates to "don't cry over used milk". It conveys a similar meaning to the English idiom and is often used in Latin American cultures.
  • French: "Ne crier sur du sang" - This phrase means "don't cry over blood". It is a more direct expression of regret and may be used in situations where emotions are running high.
  • Italian: "Non piangere su di un fiume che non si potrà più riprendere" - This phrase translates to "don't cry over a river that cannot be held". It emphasizes the idea of irreparable damage and may be used in situations where mistakes have caused long-term consequences.
  • German: "Nicht weinen über vergessene Gelegenheiten" - This phrase means "not to cry over missed opportunities". It is a direct translation of the English idiom and is commonly used in German-speaking cultures.
  • Chinese: "不悲无益" - This phrase translates to "no regret, no benefit". It emphasizes the idea of taking action rather than dwelling on past mistakes and is often used as a motivational tool.

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