English Idioms

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Death knell


"Death knell" is an idiom that refers to a sound or event that signals the end of something, often signaling impending doom or destruction. It can also refer to a negative or ominous situation, such as death or illness.


  • The death knell for the company's profits came when they were hit with a major lawsuit.
  • The death knell for the relationship was when he accused her of cheating on him.
  • The news of his diagnosis marked the death knell for his hope to return to work.
  • The death knell for the planet is the continued rise in global temperatures.
  • The death knell for the old movie theater came when a new multiplex opened down the street. The usage of "death knell" can vary depending on the context. It can be used to refer to an immediate or imminent end, as well as a more gradual or prolonged one. It can also be used to describe a negative or ominous situation that may or may not lead to an actual death or destruction.

Roots and History

The earliest known use of the idiom "death knell" dates back to the 15th century, when it was used in a religious context to refer to the sound made by a bell at funerals. Over time, the idiom has come to be used more broadly to refer to any negative or ominous situation.

Synonyms in English

  • Final blow
  • Last straw
  • Death sentence
  • End of days
  • Curtains close

Synonyms in other languages

  • In Spanish: "death knell" translates to "muro de sangre" (wall of blood), which is a more dramatic and ominous translation that emphasizes the violence or destruction associated with the sound or event.
  • In French: "death knell" translates to "signal d'alarme" (alert signal), which is a neutral translation that simply refers to a warning or alert.
  • In Italian: "death knell" translates to "clonotafo" (graveyard bell), which is a more specific and regional translation that refers to the sound made by a bell in a cemetery.
  • In German: "death knell" translates to "todstimmel" (toll of death), which is a more poetic and dramatic translation that emphasizes the tragic and somber nature of the sound or event.

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