English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Divide and conquer (or rule)


"Divide and conquer" is an idiom that means to divide a problem or task into smaller parts and then solve each part individually. This approach can be used to tackle complex tasks by breaking them down into more manageable ones. The phrase is often used to describe a strategy for accomplishing a goal or overcoming an obstacle.


  • In business, the company decided to divide its marketing department into smaller teams and then conquer new markets one at a time.
  • The math problem was so complex that my teacher suggested we divide it into smaller parts and then conquer each part one by one.
  • The project manager divided the team into smaller groups to conquer the individual tasks more efficiently.
  • The politician divided her campaign into smaller regions to better connect with voters and gain their support.
  • The athlete divided his training into smaller sessions to focus on specific skills and avoid injury.

Roots and History

The idiom "divide and conquer" has been used since ancient times. In Greek mythology, the god Zeus divided the world into three realms - earth, sky, and sea - to give each realm a specific power and responsibility. This division allowed him to better control the universe. In military strategy, dividing an enemy's army into smaller parts can make it easier to defeat them. This approach is known as "divide and conquer" or "divide and rule". The Roman Empire used this strategy to expand its territory by conquering smaller kingdoms and territories one at a time. In modern times, the idiom has been used in various fields such as business, science, and sports. It is seen as an effective way to tackle complex problems or tasks by breaking them down into more manageable ones.

Synonyms in English

  • Break it down into smaller parts.
  • Solve each part separately.
  • Divide the task into smaller chunks.
  • Tackle the problem step-by-step.
  • Conquer one small part at a time.

Synonyms in other languages

  • 分割成多部分,解决每一部分 (Chinese) - Divide it into multiple parts and solve each part individually.
  • 分離出帶獨出 (Portuguese) - Separate them and carry them independently.
  • 分割到更細的部分,解決每一部分 (Japanese) - Divide it into smaller parts and solve each part individually.
  • 分離出帶獨出 (Spanish) - Separate them and carry them independently.
  • 将问题分成更小的部分,解决每一部分 (French) - Divide the problem into smaller parts and solve each part individually.

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