English Idioms

Comprehensive resource for understanding and mastering English idioms

Done for


The idiom "done for" means that someone is completely finished or defeated. It can also mean that someone has been punished or reprimanded so severely that they are now out of business or out of the picture.


  • After losing his job and his wife, John felt like he was done for.
  • The company went bankrupt and all its employees were left without a job. They were done for.
  • When the police arrived at the scene, they found that the burglar had already fled. It seemed like the whole thing was just done for.
  • Despite his efforts to save the project, it failed miserably. He felt like he was done for.
  • When he heard the news about his terminal diagnosis, John knew that he was done for.

Roots and History

The idiom "done for" has been in use since at least the 15th century. It originally comes from Old English "doen fōr" which means "done for". Over time, the meaning of the idiom has evolved to its current figurative sense.

Synonyms in English

  • Finished for
  • Done with
  • Written off
  • Given up on
  • All out

Synonyms in other languages

  • French - "Terminé"
  • German - "Geschehen"
  • Spanish - "Acabado"
  • Italian - "Finito"
  • Portuguese - "Terminado"

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