English Idioms

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Eat humble pie


The idiom "eat humble pie" is used to describe a situation where someone has made a mistake or committed an error, and they are forced to admit their fault and apologize. The phrase suggests that the person must swallow their pride and accept defeat with grace, like eating a humble dessert.


  • After his public apology for his controversial comments, he was asked to eat humble pie by several critics who were unhappy with his response.
  • When she discovered that her colleague had stolen her ideas, she felt embarrassed and had to eat humble pie in front of her team.
  • The team's loss was a bitter pill for the coach, who had to swallow his pride and admit defeat in front of his players and fans.
  • After years of denying the allegations against him, he was finally forced to eat humble pie and admit guilt in a court of law.
  • When she learned that her beloved dog had chewed up her favorite shoes, she felt upset but knew better than to throw a fit. Instead, she ate humble pie and told herself it was just a lesson in dog training.

Roots and History

The idiom "eat humble pie" dates back to the 14th century, when pies made from pastry crust and filled with sweet or savory ingredients were popular in England. The term "humble pie" was used to describe a simple, basic dish that required little effort or skill to make. In modern times, the phrase has taken on a figurative meaning, representing humility and acceptance of defeat or error. It is often used in situations where someone must swallow their pride and admit fault, such as in a workplace setting or in a social situation.

Synonyms in English

  • Eat crow
  • Bite the bullet
  • Swallow one's pride
  • Admit defeat
  • Acknowledge mistakes

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "Manger de la gourme" (to eat a delicacy)
  • Spanish: "Comer humano comido" (to eat human flesh)
  • German: "Ein bisschen Hummelkuchen essen" (to eat a little humble pie)
  • Italian: "Mangiare cioccolato" (to eat chocolate)
  • Japanese: "Kuchisake kimochilanai" (to feel like eating one's face off)

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