English Idioms

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Feather one’s (own) nest


The idiom "feather one's own nest" means to take care of oneself or one's own interests, usually by doing something that benefits oneself personally. It can also mean acting selfishly or putting oneself first, often at the expense of others.


  • I always try to feather my own nest when it comes to my career. This means I prioritize my own professional growth and opportunities over helping others.
  • She was accused of feathering her own nest by taking expensive gifts from wealthy donors.
  • The company's profits were used to feather the executives' nests, rather than being reinvested in the business.
  • He has been known to feather his own nest by only working with clients who pay him well.
  • When faced with a difficult decision, he always chose the option that would feather his own nest. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used in a positive or negative way, depending on the situation and the speaker's intentions. It can also be used to describe someone else's behavior, as well as one's own.

Roots and History

The origin of the phrase "feather one's own nest" is not entirely clear, but it has been in use since at least the 16th century. One theory suggests that the phrase comes from the idea of birds building their nests by using materials they find in their surroundings, such as feathers or grass, to create a comfortable and secure place for themselves. This could be seen as a form of self-care or taking care of one's own interests. Another theory suggests that the phrase comes from the idea of someone working hard to improve their own position or status in society, much like a bird building a nest to attract a mate or establish dominance over others. This could be seen as selfish or putting oneself first, but it is also a form of self-care and taking care of one's own interests. Over time, the meaning of the phrase has remained relatively consistent, with variations in usage and connotation depending on the context and the speaker's intentions.

Synonyms in English

  • Look out for number one
  • Prioritize oneself
  • Put oneself first
  • Self-promote
  • Act in one's own best interests

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: se servir soi-même
    • This phrase translates literally to "to serve oneself" and can be used in a similar way to the English idiom.
  • Spanish: cuidarse de sí mismo/a
    • This phrase translates to "to take care of oneself" and has a more positive connotation than the English idiom.
  • German: sich selbst zu nutzen
    • This phrase translates to "to use oneself" and emphasizes the idea of personal gain or benefit.
  • Japanese: 自分を意識する (jiko o ui shou su ru)
    • This phrase translates to "to be conscious of one's own interests" and has a similar meaning to the English idiom.
  • Dutch: jezelf te belangen stellen (jezelf te belangen stellen)
    • This phrase translates to "to put oneself first" and emphasizes the idea of personal gain or benefit.

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