English Idioms

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First things first


"First things first" is an idiom that means to address the most important or pressing matters before moving on to less important ones. It is often used to indicate that someone is taking the necessary steps to ensure that everything is done correctly and thoroughly before proceeding with other tasks.


  • "First things first, let's make sure we have all the necessary information before we can begin the project."
  • "I know you want to go out with friends tonight, but first things first, we need to finish this assignment for the teacher."
  • "We cannot ignore the problems in our relationship and expect things to get better on their own. First things first, we need to have a serious conversation about what's going on."
  • "Before investing in any new business opportunities, it's important to do your research and make sure you understand the market and competition. First things first, let's gather as much information as possible."
  • "It's easy to get caught up in the details of a project and forget about the big picture. But first things first, we need to create a clear plan and set some priorities before we can move forward."

Roots and History

The origin of "first things first" is unclear, but it has been used as an idiom since at least the 18th century. One possible theory is that it comes from the Latin phrase "primum viderunt," which means "they saw first" and was used in legal cases to refer to witnesses who testified first. Another theory is that it comes from the old English phrase "first merriment," which meant "the first joy or pleasure." Over time, the meaning of "first things first" has evolved to refer more specifically to addressing important matters before less important ones. It is now commonly used in a variety of contexts, including business, relationships, and personal projects.

Synonyms in English

  • Prioritize - to give more importance to something or someone than other things
  • Tackle - to address and solve a problem or issue
  • Sort out - to organize and prioritize tasks or responsibilities
  • Attend to - to pay attention to and take care of something or someone
  • Lay the groundwork - to establish the necessary foundation for something else to happen

Synonyms in other languages

  • En français: "Tout d'abord" - This is a very common idiom used to indicate that the speaker will address the most important matter first. For example, "Tout d'abord, nous devons faire notre travail." (First of all, we have to do our work.)
  • In Spanish: "Primero" - This is also a commonly used idiom that means "first." For example, "Primero, vamos a ver si hay un problema con el trabajo." (First, let's see if there's a problem with the work.)
  • In German: "Zuerst" - This is another common idiom that means "first." For example, "Zuerst müssen wir alle Informationen bekommen." (First, we have to get all the information.)
  • In Italian: "Primo" - This is also a commonly used idiom that means "first." For example, "Primo, devo finire questa riunione." (First, I have to finish this meeting.)
  • In Portuguese: "Para além disso" - This idiom literally means "in addition to" and can be translated as "besides" or "on top of." For example, "Para além disso, precisamos pensar em nossa saúde." (Besides that, we also need to think about our health.)

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