English Idioms

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Filthy rich


The idiom "filthy rich" is used to describe someone who is extremely wealthy or wealthy beyond imagination. The term comes from the metaphor that a person's wealth is so great that they could roll in it without getting dirty.


  • Mr. Jones is filthy rich and can buy anything he wants.
  • She grew up in a filthy rich family and never had to worry about money.
  • The company was filthy rich after selling their product to a big corporation.
  • He became filthy rich overnight when he won the lottery.
  • Despite being filthy rich, she still lived a modest lifestyle and didn't let her wealth go to her head.

Roots and History

The idiom "filthy rich" dates back to the early 19th century and is believed to have originated in America. The term is often associated with the wealthy elite who lived in extravagant mansions and had access to endless resources. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has expanded to include anyone who is extremely wealthy, regardless of their lifestyle or background.

Synonyms in English

  • Super rich
  • Wealthy beyond imagination
  • Unimaginably rich
  • Extremely wealthy
  • Immensely rich

Synonyms in other languages

  • Enormemente rico - Spanish
  • Богатый - Russian
  • Жизнь чудесного богатства - French
  • 富有饶腻的 - Chinese
  • גולחקה אינטרסןטזיאך מנחם הרץעבת צדקה אלו נפשים - Hebrew (Translation: "A rich man with an interest in tzedakah")

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