English Idioms

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For a song


The idiom "for a song" means to be very cheap or low-priced, often to the point of being almost free. It can also mean that something is done quickly and easily, without much effort or expense.


  • "I was able to find a great deal on the new car for a song." - This means that the car was very cheap, making it a good deal.
  • "The concert was for a song, I couldn't believe how affordable the tickets were." - This means that the cost of the concert was very low, which made it a great opportunity to attend.
  • "I had the project done in no time for a song." - This means that the project was completed quickly and easily, without much effort or expense.
  • "The movie was for a song, I didn't have to spend much money to see it." - This means that the movie was very cheap, making it an affordable option for watching.
  • "I was able to get the new phone for a song, thanks to my friend who had a referral discount." - This means that the phone was very cheap, due to a referral discount provided by a friend. The usage of this idiom can vary depending on the context. It can be used in a variety of situations where something is done quickly and easily, or where an item is very cheap or affordable. The idiom can also be used in a positive way to indicate that something was a good deal or a great opportunity.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom "for a song" is uncertain. However, it has been used in English since at least the 16th century and has been found in various forms of literature and writing. The earliest known use of the idiom appears in the poem "A Dialogue Conteinyng the Nomber In Effect of All the Prouerbes in the Englishe Tongue" by John Heywood, published in 1546. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has remained relatively consistent, but the usage has evolved to reflect changes in language and culture. Today, the idiom is commonly used in everyday conversation and writing, often to describe something that was done quickly or cheaply.

Synonyms in English

  • Cheap
  • Affordable
  • Inexpensive
  • Budget-friendly
  • Cost-effective

Synonyms in other languages

  • Français - Économique, Bon marché, Abordable
  • Español - Económico, Barato, Asequible
  • German - Billig, Preisgemäß, Kostenfreundlich
  • Italian - Economico, Igroso, Accessibile
  • Japanese - 安い, 単価的, 有効な

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