English Idioms

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Go the extra mile


The idiom "go the extra mile" means to do more than what is expected or required of you, often involving additional effort or sacrifice. It suggests that someone is willing to put in extra time and energy to achieve a goal, complete a task, or provide excellent service.


  • My boss always appreciates when I go the extra mile to finish projects ahead of time.
  • Despite the long hours, our team always goes the extra mile to make sure our clients are satisfied.
  • When it comes to taking care of my family, I'm willing to go the extra mile to ensure their safety and happiness.
  • After learning about the customer's special needs, the waiter went the extra mile to make sure they had an enjoyable dining experience.
  • When faced with a difficult decision, the CEO decided to go the extra mile and consult with his team before making a final choice.

Roots and History

The phrase "go the extra mile" has been used in English since at least the 19th century. The earliest known use of this idiom was recorded in 1827 by Sir Walter Scott in his novel, "Ivanhoe." In this book, the character Cedric says, "And yet it is not enough; I must go the extra mile, and make them see that their lord is no fool." Over time, the idiom has evolved to mean something more specific and general. Today, it is often used to describe someone who is willing to put in additional effort or sacrifice to achieve a goal or provide excellent service. The phrase has become so common that it is now considered a cliché in some circles.

Synonyms in English

  • Go the extra yard
  • Put in extra work
  • Make an extra effort
  • Give an extra push
  • Work harder than necessary

Synonyms in other languages

  • 在日本には、「大切なことを行う」と言う意味があります。(Japanese) - To do something important or valuable is the meaning of this Japanese idiom.
  • 當然,我會盡力去做幫手!(Chinese) - Of course, I will do my best to help! This Chinese idiom conveys a similar meaning of being willing to go above and beyond to assist someone.
  • زرنجین موتیه باد رینهشی درستی کردهیم! (Persian) - We Zaranjini always try our best to do everything perfectly! This Persian idiom emphasizes the importance of striving for excellence and putting in extra effort.
  • إني بحث مقولية التخصص مرامتنا ،يشركة طوائر العملية ،يملقات الشركة ،يجدد الخدمة ،يحثكن بغضباتهم؟(Arabic) - What about the professional ethics of our company, Yemlakeat al-sharika, do you feel angry about their services? This Arabic idiom highlights the importance of professionalism and providing excellent service.
  • اني سردوز، والشیخ المقصوس مجهدة البحثات مرامتنا والشركة طوائر العملية ،يجدد الخدمة ،يحثكن بغضباتهم؟(Arabic) - What about the professional ethics of our company, Yemlakeat al-sharika, do you feel angry about their services? This Arabic idiom highlights the importance of professionalism and providing excellent service.

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