English Idioms

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God helps those who help themselves


The literal meaning of the idiom is that God will provide aid to those who actively seek it by working towards a solution themselves. This can be interpreted as an encouragement to take responsibility for one's own life and not expect others or divine intervention to solve problems.


  • "I know it's tough, but remember that God helps those who help themselves. Keep pushing forward and try your best."
  • "If you want to find a job, you have to actively seek it out. Don't just wait for an opportunity to come to you; take the initiative and apply to companies that interest you."
  • "I used to rely on my friends to support me through tough times, but I realized that God helps those who help themselves. Now, I focus on building up my own resources and seeking out new ways to cope with stress."
  • "If you want to improve your health, you have to take responsibility for it yourself. Don't expect magic pills or surgery to fix everything; make lifestyle changes and exercise regularly."
  • "When it comes to academics, God helps those who help themselves. Don't wait for the material to come to you; actively engage with the coursework and seek out additional resources."

Roots and History

The phrase "God helps those who help themselves" can be traced back to the Bible in Proverbs 14:10, which states "For whoever will not work shall not eat." This verse emphasizes the importance of hard work and self-reliance, as these are necessary for achieving success and happiness. Over time, the phrase has taken on a more metaphorical meaning, suggesting that individuals should take control of their own lives and not rely solely on external factors or divine intervention to solve problems.

Synonyms in English

  • "Self-reliance is key."
  • "Take responsibility for your life."
  • "Don't expect anything to just fall into your lap."
  • "The only way to achieve success is through hard work."
  • "You have to put in the effort to see results."

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "La vie n'est pas facile, mais la résilience est le secret de la réussite." (Translation: Life is not easy, but resilience is the secret of success.)
  • Spanish: "El trabajo no es fácil, pero el éxito se obtiene solo a través del empeño." (Translation: Work is not easy, but success can only be obtained through effort.)
  • German: "Der Mensch ist nicht von Geburt aus einzeln, sondern durch die Arbeit miteinander zusammenkommt." (Translation: Humans are not born alone, but come together through work.)
  • Italian: "La vita non è facile, ma chi lavora ottiene tutto." (Translation: Life is not easy, but those who work get everything they need.)
  • Chinese: "自己修習,不能依赖人。" (Translation: Self-cultivation is necessary, do not rely on others.)

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