English Idioms

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Goose egg


The idiom "goose egg" is used to describe something that is inconsequential, meaningless, or has no value. It can also mean nothing or no result, especially when referring to a task or project. The figurative meaning of the idiom often implies that the thing in question is not worth the time and effort it took to accomplish it.


  • "After spending hours on the project, he was disappointed to find out that his team's goose egg submission didn't make it to the competition."
  • "I wasted my time and energy trying to impress him, but it turns out he didn't even remember me a week later - what a waste of breath."
  • "He spent all day trying to fix the glitch in his program, but the only thing he ended up with was a goose egg result."
  • "She put in so much effort to make the meeting successful, but it turned out to be a goose egg and nobody showed up."
  • "I thought I had a great idea, but after presenting it to the team, they dismissed it as a goose egg and moved on to something else." The usage of the idiom can vary depending on the context. For example, in a business or academic setting, "goose egg" may be used to describe a project that failed to yield any results or didn't meet expectations. In a more informal setting, it may be used to describe something that was a complete waste of time and energy.

Roots and History

The origin of the idiom is unclear, but there are several theories about where it came from. One theory suggests that it comes from the fact that a goose egg doesn't yield any milk or butter, so it has no value. Another theory is that it comes from the practice of counting eggs by the number of eggs in a nest, and if someone found a nest with no eggs, they would say it was a "goose egg" because the nest had nothing in it. Over time, the meaning of the idiom has remained relatively consistent, but its usage has become more colloquial and informal. In contemporary language, "goose egg" is often used as an insult or to belittle someone's accomplishments.

Synonyms in English

  • Dud
  • Fizzle
  • Bust
  • Flop
  • Clunker

Synonyms in other languages

  • Spanish - Huevo frito (meaning a hard-boiled egg)
  • French - Ouija (meaning goose egg)
  • German - Ein Käselchen mit Schnee (meaning a cheese with ice)
  • Italian - La palude di ghiaccio (meaning the ice marsh)
  • Japanese - 石の上にも水が流れる (meaning even on top of a rock, water flows)

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