English Idioms

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Happy go lucky


The idiom "happy go lucky" is often used to describe someone who seems content with their life, regardless of what happens. They are typically optimistic, carefree, and don't worry too much about the future or past. This phrase can also be used to refer to a situation or event that goes smoothly without any complications or problems.


  • "Even though she lost her job unexpectedly, she remained happy go lucky and started looking for new opportunities."
  • "He's always been happy go lucky, never worrying about the future or what might happen to him."
  • "The hiking trip was full of surprises, but we managed to make it through without any problems – it was truly a happy go lucky adventure."
  • "She's always been happy go lucky, but recently she's started to worry more about her future and what might happen to her."
  • "The traffic was terrible today, but somehow we still managed to get to work on time – it was definitely a happy go lucky day!"

Roots and History

The phrase "happy go lucky" has its roots in Old English. The phrase "hæppon" means "happy," while "gōluck" means "lucky." The phrase became popular in Middle English, but it's unclear how or when the "go lucky" part was added. Over time, the phrase has evolved to refer to a person who seems content with their life, regardless of what happens. It can also be used to describe a situation or event that goes smoothly without any complications or problems.

Synonyms in English

  • Carefree
  • Optimistic
  • Content
  • Relaxed
  • Easygoing

Synonyms in other languages

  • French: "Je suis détaché" (I am detached)
  • Spanish: "Estoy tranquilo/a" (I am calm)
  • German: "Ich bin ruhig" (I am calm)
  • Italian: "Sono alla pace" (I am at peace)
  • Portuguese: "Estou contente" (I am happy)

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