English Idioms

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Have never had it so good


The idiom "have never had it so good" means that someone is currently experiencing a period of great happiness, success, or prosperity. It can also imply that things have been going downhill in the past and are now turning around for the better.


  • Sarah had always struggled to make ends meet, but now that she landed her dream job, she feels like she's finally got it all together.
  • After years of dealing with health issues, John is finally feeling well enough to enjoy life again and says he's never felt so good.
  • The stock market took a hit during the pandemic, but now that vaccines are being distributed, many investors feel like they're finally seeing their investments pay off.
  • After going through a difficult divorce, Rachel found love again and is happier than she's been in years.
  • Despite facing numerous challenges throughout his career, NBA legend Michael Jordan retired with an impressive record and says he's never had it so good in any other sport.

Roots and History

The idiom "have never had it so good" is believed to have originated in the United States during the 1930s. It was often used to describe the economic prosperity of the post-Depression era, as people saw their fortunes improve and began to feel more optimistic about their future. Over time, the idiom has evolved to include other areas of life beyond just economics, such as personal relationships and health. There are no known regional variations or cultural differences associated with this idiom.

Synonyms in English

  • Things have finally turned around for the better.
  • The worst is behind us now.
  • We're finally seeing results after hard work.
  • After a rough patch, things are looking up.
  • We've hit rock bottom and are now on the rise.

Synonyms in other languages

  • 日本語: 最終的には、幸せが来ます (Kyou no heya, shiawase ga kimasu) - The happiest moment is coming soon.
  • 日本語: 辛苦は報酬だけでいない (Shigetokuwa bousou da ke) - Hard work isn't just rewarded, but it also brings happiness.
  • 德语: Es ist Zeit für Freude und Feiern (Es ist Zeit für Freude und Feiern) - It's time for joy and celebration.
  • 日本語: 挫折は貴重な経驗です (Koutsu no wa keisei na keiken desu) - Adversity is a valuable experience.
  • español: Estamos viendo el fin del mal (Estamos viendo el fin del mal) - We're seeing the end of our troubles.

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